2015 London Marathon

Dear Reader,

You've made it! Bonjour! Ahoy! Bienvenido! Merhaba! So happy you've clicked on the link that has brought you to my 2015 London Training Blog, Info and Donation Page. Now, dear reader, all you need to do is sit back and have a browse through the site.  As you follow along my 26.2 mile training journey, count yourself lucky because you do so from a cozy home, perhaps even holding a glass of red wine or fancy cocktail or maybe a steaming cup of hot chocolate. And whilst I hope you find my scribbles and trials amusing, if nothing else you can think, 'Glad this isn't me out in the bitter New York cold.' In thanks for your attention reader, I promise you a witty ride. Comments, advice, love - all welcome in loads.  Love Tori

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Training Blog

Follow along on my journey training for my first Marathon! I promise it will be witty and interesting and above all, make you thankful you're not the one training through a New York winter.

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The Cause: Kerrigan Savage, Waves Charitable Trust

I running for an amazing cause, please read more about this organization here.

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Running in pictures