Sweat and Salt: Summer Training Blog

Lovely Day!

I wish it would stop raining. I am just getting over being sick; the kind of sick that makes it very heard to breathe while running. I struggled, therefore my running has struggled. I ran shorter distances when, instead, I should have been concentrating on not be sick. But the anxiety - 6 weeks left! - drove me out onto the pavement in an effort to run some miles. Think of a car running out of gas and sputtering to a stop. That was me on every run I attempted. 

On the one hand, not feeling great taught me to that it really sucks to be sick, even just the I-have-no-voice snotty kind of sick. But it is nothing like the being really sick. In perspective, I was reminded by I'm running this marathon in the first place: to help kids with serious illness attend camp; to have fun! 

One week later and I can finally breathe, and well, it is raining. It has been raining and it will continue through the weekend. One more week down and the opportunity for a long weekend run, but noooo the sky wants to cry. For me, it has proven a challenge to scoop out large chunks of time for running, but trying to fit long runs into my weekend activities AND dealing with the weather or personal illness, has been beyond. Next weekend I'll be in Munich and then it will be 4 weeks until the November 6th! Eeeek!

At this point, here is hoping, the hours I've carved out of my Sunday are crisp, cloudy and dry!! Hell, let's hope it's a Lovely Day:

This is the original version of "Lovely Day" which i decided to upload because it was not on youtube already. Please do not complain of there not being a video, as it would probably be taken down by youtube anyway. This is purely audio along with the artwork of the album from which the song came from.